29 March 2014

Lacks of everything makes you a weakling.

Yet.. another story to be told. It has been 4 weeks that she was away from home. Nothing significant really happened during that 4 weeks of studying. Studying.. perhaps she should realized it by now that her purpose to be sent away from her comfort zone until today is to study.

However.. from the look of it. She is not really doing her duty. She was off guard for quite a long time and probably too unaware of her situation. Slacking around with something she shouldn't. Wandering around with someone she shouldn't. Well, they are her friends as to why. They are not the reason she is that carefree. She is lack of awareness.

Classes has been hard lately that she found herself in between flu and cough. The weather is not helping in either way. Low antibody also might be the cause of her bad condition in health but being sick is not that bad at all if you see it positively. Being sick is a way of you get rid of small sins. Literally means that she mush has committed sins that she is unaware of. She is clueless even with a slightest hint.

Now, she got herself tangled in the thought of her internship.

" Where should i go? I don't want to be far from home. Money is all i've been thinking of.. being away from home wouldn't be a matter to me since i've been living far away from home. "

She sighed. Her friend, Bella has been a great help for her. Most of companies she have decided to go to was practically Bella's recommendation. Eventhough she asked her brother-in-law with a place nearby her sister's house to go to. However, she thought that it would be the best if she just apply at the same company as Bella.

" I don't like to rely on others but i'm just a weakling, am i? "

She couldn't help herself being helpless yet she couldn't do anything to help herself being helpless. She hates it. She hates being so helpless and rely on others, being a burden to someone she doesn't want to burden.

Her sigh became a habit when it comes to helpless situation like that. On the second thought, she has always been a burden to everyone she loves. How she hates herself for that.

" I shouldn't be the only one who is receiving. " She thought.

Nevertheless, she has that deep determine and hope that one day, people around her who has helped her through her days of difficulties, she will pay them with great prizes. Even if it means that she has to suffer a bit but it is okay, as long as her suffer were for the people who worth suffer for.

Perhaps one day.

Thanks a bunch for reading this post. ^,~

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